Politics, guns, my home town and surrounding areas, loathing, and the observations of a very grumpy white male living in a suburb of Boston. "Lynn, Lynn, city of sin. You never come out the way you went in. Ask for water, they give you a gin... it's the darndest city I ever been in."

Friday, August 19, 2005

Jolly Good Time!

Ok, I might as well jump right in. I find this amusing. I don't think it's funny that an innocent man got shot but.... Hey, Europe! Guess what? Your government lies to you too! Haha! As an American I've come to terms with the fact that my government is lying to me. In fact, I'm downright ok with it! But I'm sick of the rest of the "civilized world' pointing their fingers at us saying,"Oh, you stupid Americans, you don't even know when your government is lying to you." Yes we do! We just stopped caring a long time ago. Honestly, I could care less who the British police shoot because I don't live there and I'm never leaving the U.S.A.
I guess all those years of the Bobbies (Is that how they spell it, I don't really care) not carrying guns left them a little itchy in the fingers. That worked out well I guess.

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Milton, NH, United States
What can I say? Every thing's chicken but the gravy!