Politics, guns, my home town and surrounding areas, loathing, and the observations of a very grumpy white male living in a suburb of Boston. "Lynn, Lynn, city of sin. You never come out the way you went in. Ask for water, they give you a gin... it's the darndest city I ever been in."

Monday, January 28, 2008

Things I've learned in no particular order.

Depleted Uranium in not radioactive.
Water boarding is not torture.
Burning aviation fuel melts steel.
Buildings collapse if planes hit buildings near them.
Israel has our best interest at heart.
Thimerosol and Mercury in vaccines is good for you.
The CDC and FDA would never put you at risk.
Radiated food is good for you.
Ingesting fluoride (a poison) is good for you.
Iraqi's want us in their country.
Bush should not be charged with war crimes.
Cheney should not be charged with war crimes.
Ron Paul is a kook.
Ron Paul finished 3rd in Louisiana.
There is no New World Order.
There are no chem trails.
The federal Reserve is good for the economy.
The CIA and Mossad had nothing to do with 9/11 even if they they admit planning the attack on the USS Liberty.
The imaginary attack in the Gulf of Tonkin was a good reason to kill thousands of Americans and Vietnamese.
Killing a baby isn't killing a baby as long as it is still in the womb.
My guns are dangerous to everyone.
The government should control my health care.
I am too stupid to have any firearms.
It's a coincidence that enemies of the administration were mailed high grade laboratory anthrax.
The government had every right to murder women and children at Waco.
Ed Brown deserves worse treatment than a murder, rapist, or child molester.
Randy Weaver's wife deserved to be executed by sniper while holding an her baby.
Unarmed Iranian speed boats are a threat to huge well armed US ships.
They hate us for our freedom.
Other countries love being occupied by the United States.
Electric cars are an impossible dream.
Oil lobbyists have no effect on our government.
Pharmaceutical lobbyists have no effect on our government.
If I don't pay my taxes I deserve a visit from a SWAT team.
Marijuana is more dangerous than alcohol.
Muslims are evil but fundamentalist Christians and Jews are not.
Sometimes plane crashes leave no wreckage even though crashed and burned up space shuttles to.
Jet fuel burns hot enough to evaporate an engine.
It's perfectly normal for a president to draft legislation making him imune from charges of war crimes.
Aspartame is good for you especially if Rummy says so.
You are an irresponsible parent if you child does not get a flu shot.
We are winning the war drugs.
There is nothing peculiar about CIA planes full of cocaine crashing.
The elections are not rigged.
Paying a carbon tax will solve global warming.
The increased warmth of the sun has no effect on global warming and neither do volcanoes.
China's emissions are not contributing to global warming.
LBJ did not order the murder of MLK and the Kennedy's.
Bhutto's murder had nothing to do with American interests.
Acid is more dangerous than crystal meth.
Marijuana is a gateway drug.
The free world loves us.
World bankers to not finance both sides of wars.
World bankers to not benefit from war.
The Military Industrial Complex does not benefit from war.
Big Pharma does not benefit from people being sick.
Prescott Bush was not a Nazi.
There is no NAFTA super highway.
There are no plans for a North American Union.
FEMA are not building prisons.
The surveillance are not for watching us.
Our emails are not being read.
The national ID card is a good idea.
God chose George W. Bush.
Hillary wants change.
Fox isn't biased.
Rupert Murdoch has no agenda.
Iran is a threat to the United States but not Europe.
Three dollars a gallon for heating oil is a bargain.
Three dollars for gas is a bargain.
E coli in our spinach is normal.
The police do not use agents provocateurs to to become aggressive at protests.
Record companies are going broke because of illegal downloading.
Police take your picture at a protest because they like the way you look.
Cops are better than regular people.
The government knows how to raise my kids better than I do.
The internet should be regulated.
It's comforting to know Bush can declare martial law any time he wants.
Democrats do not have the same long term agenda as Republicans.
There is no Bilderberg group.
Blackwater are the good guys.
Iraqi democracy is worth as many American limbs and lives as it takes.
We should put troops in Pakistan.
We are winning in Afghanistan.
It's good that clergy leaders are taught to quell dissidence in a state or martial law.
The government should confiscate my guns when I need them the most.
Soilent Green is NOT people.

I understand all of this now. The sooner we all do the better.

Now playing: Alice In Chains - Dam That River
via FoxyTunes

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Milton, NH, United States
What can I say? Every thing's chicken but the gravy!