Politics, guns, my home town and surrounding areas, loathing, and the observations of a very grumpy white male living in a suburb of Boston. "Lynn, Lynn, city of sin. You never come out the way you went in. Ask for water, they give you a gin... it's the darndest city I ever been in."

Monday, December 10, 2007


Dear friends, family, acquaintances, and co-workers,

I have put off composing this email for quite some time. Quite frankly, I know I can politically overbearing at times and I know some of you may be sick of the barrage of emails I send out on a daily basis. I also know I've made some major political mistakes in the past and those of you that know how I voted 2004 can attest to that. I've been duped before and in all likelihood I'll be duped again.

That being said. Most of you know me. You've are/have been my family, my best friends, my band mates, my drinking buddies, my co-workers (who almost always end up being my good friends), and like minded patriots who love this country and what it has stood for. You know that I can be an asshole. You know that I can be stubbornly dead wrong. You know that I can be too quick to judge a situation. You also know that I am a family man. You know that I love my family and friends more than anything in the world. You know that if it came down do it I would jump in front of a bullet for your children. You know I can be ridiculously over the top silly at at times. You also know that I am not dumb nor am I naive.

There are things going on in this country that I would not believe had I not been willing to see things for what they are and not the skewed picture the corporate media paints for us. I believe there are things going on in this country that I previously would have thought someone insane for believing. Our civil liberties are being stripped from us in the name of fighting terrorist boogey men while we pacify ourselves with reality shows and football games. More people know who is going to the Super Bowl than know who is running for president. More people know what time Deal or No Deal is on that when the next election is. More people know who was signed to the Red Sox than the fact that our president signed H.R.5122 in October of this year which effectively allows the president to declare martial law at the drop of a hat in order to suppress public disorder and I'm sure any Katrina victim can tell you how well things go when the police take over. (Not to mention the president can pretty much do whatever he wants.) Believe me when I tell you, the wheels are already in motion that will make anyone who disagrees with government policy a terrorist. Simply Google "domestic terror."

My friends and family, I believe these our dire times. I believe things are much worse that we see at face value. I also believe time is running out to save any semblance of what America was for our children. I'm not going to tell you who to vote for (although I think most of you know who I'm voting for.) and I'm not going to tell you that have to believe one thing or another. Who would I be to do that? What I will ask of you. What I will beg of you is that you expose yourselves to the information that is out there. Open your mind to ideas that you may have previously though ridiculous. You have nothing to lose and everything to gain.

Some of if the information may be offensive to some or too impossible at first glance. I'm begging you. Take it all in, digest it, and draw your own conclusions. Maybe you will come away saying, "Wow, John is a kook." I'm willing to take that chance. Some of you already think I am. I'm ok with that too. Some of you will feel as I do. That we are in big trouble if we don't become active and bring about change immediately. I promise you, I'd hold nothing against you for disagreeing with me. I would absolutely love nothing more in the world to be wrong about this.

The End of America: Letter of Warning to a Young Patriot by Naomi Wolf http://www.amazon.com/End-America-Letter-Warning-Patriot/dp/

I ask you to please check out Zeitgeist. You can watch it for free at the following link . Religious people may be offended by the first 15 minutes. It's no heavier than the average George Carlin routine. Please give it a chance.

Also please check out Endgame. The first 15 minutes may seem a bit over the top. By the end of the documentary you won't think so. Here is the link to watch it free online.

Also Terrorstorm. Here is a link to watch for free.

I appreciate you reading this. I hope you think I'm wrong. I hope I am wrong.

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Milton, NH, United States
What can I say? Every thing's chicken but the gravy!

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