Politics, guns, my home town and surrounding areas, loathing, and the observations of a very grumpy white male living in a suburb of Boston. "Lynn, Lynn, city of sin. You never come out the way you went in. Ask for water, they give you a gin... it's the darndest city I ever been in."

Wednesday, May 17, 2006

Immigration blah blah blah....

That asshat Bush lost me and most of my conservative friends months ago. (That absolutely does not mean I'm a Democrat, wish Kerry had won, or would ever consider voting for a Democrat, so settle down.) The Republicans have successfully convinced me to never vote for them again. I'll vote third party, I'll write in Buchannon, or I'll make a conscious decision not to vote. Thanks for bending me over the toilet and ramming it up my ass Republicans.

Anyway, I've got a guy working for me who loved Bush like I love single malt. Late 50's veteran of the Korean war ("I was holding back the yellow hoard before you were even a twinkle in your father's eye...") who has defended EVERYTHING Bush has done since he was elected. True dittohead who takes Limbaughs word as if it came down from God himself. He has had a picture of Bush hanging in his living room until this past weekend. He took it down. He gave up on Bush. If Bush managed to lose this guy...

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Milton, NH, United States
What can I say? Every thing's chicken but the gravy!